The Rules For Using These Presentations

If this is your first visit to this site, please read the following,
as downloading a file from this site means that

  • The presentations available on this site are for the use of UF/IFAS personnel on the main campus, at UF/IFAS research and education centers and at Cooperative Extension Service offices within Florida. These presentations were developed by UF/IFAS faculty, staff and students and are, therefore, copyrighted by the University of Florida.
  • The above mentioned personnel may edit these presentations for their use, but may not include portions of these presentations for use in other presentations that will be distributed for the use of non-UF/IFAS personnel. If you do edit a presentation, you should let the author know so that if he or she is later asked about something not originally included in "their" presentation they will be able to state that it was later edited.
  • Errors and other introduced or modified statements in presentations that are edited become the responsibility of the UF/IFAS personnel that do such editing. Changes in the concept of protection from liability for university personnel require that you understand this.
  • These presentations may be downloaded for the use of the personnel mentioned above. They are not meant for distribution to other individuals or organizations, to include the general public, unless otherwise stated. It is for this reason that they are made available on a password protected site. Only authors have the right to distribute or to allow distribution of their own presentations to individuals outside UF/IFAS. Not even the Webmaster of this site has that right.
  • Send the author of the publication a citation of the use of their presentation. This is the same as you would report in your packet and lets the faculty member who developed the program know it is being used. For example:

    Gillett-Kaufman, J.L. 2013. Biological Control Concepts: A Primer (presentation developed by James Cuda). Statewide Polycom Training for Florida Pest Managers. Presentation at the Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida/IFAS. Gainesville, FL. May 17. 62 attendees.